
Location Settings


Occupancy Screen Settings

Enter registration key
Iso language code
Occupancy screen mode
Show occupancy in percent (%)
Is used for occupancy calculation
Edit Texts

People Counter Settings

Serial number
Is used for occupancy calculation

Library Controller Settings

Enter registration key
Library controller mode
Is used for occupancy calculation

Location Widgets

Generate shorter url
Remove short url
Widget Type
Preview state


Preview state



Occupancy Screen Texts

Screen States
Location State

Occupancy Module Settings

Max number of visitors per booking
Must be an integer in range [0;2000]
Booking expiration time
Expiration time must be minimum 0 minutes and maximum 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Standard Week

Opening time
Not of format HH:MM:SS.
Must be integers, and min 00:00:00 and max 23:59:59
Closing time
Not of format HH:MM:SS.
Must be integers, and min 00:00:00 and max 23:59:59
Set max capacity
Max capacity
Not a valid integer
{{vm.dayOfWeek[$index]}} Overwrite day
Add reset event
{{vm.getTimeObj(times,0) | date: "shortTime"}}
{{::(timeslotIndex=$parent.$index);""}} {{::(dayIndex=$index);""}} {{::timeslotObjs=vm.calender[$index][$parent.$index];""}}
{{ vm.getTimeObjFromString(timeslotObj.TimeOfDay) | date: "shortTime" }}
directions_walk{{(timeslotObj.MaxCapacity ) * (1-timeslotObj.MaxBookingPercentage) | number: 0}} walk-ups allowed
confirmation_number{{timeslotObj.MaxCapacity * timeslotObj.MaxBookingPercentage | number: 0}} bookings allowed
face{{timeslotObj.MaxCapacity}} max capacity
replayResetting counter
Start of day
Please comply with time format HH:MM:SS. Must be non-negative integers between 00:00:00-23:59:59.
End of day
Please comply with time format HH:MM:SS. Must be non-negative integers between 00:00:00-23:59:59.
Duration of timeslots
Duration must be minimum 15 minutes and maximum 1440 minutes (24 hours).
Set max capacity
Max capacity
Must be a non-negative integer.
Allow walk ups to use unbooked visits
Walk-ups/Bookings Balance: {{vm.generateDayObj.MaxBookingPercentage == null ? 0 : vm.generateDayObj.MaxBookingPercentage * 100 | number: 0}}%
directions_walk{{vm.generateDayObj.MaxCapacity != null ? (vm.generateDayObj.MaxCapacity ) * (1-vm.generateDayObj.MaxBookingPercentage) : 0 | number: 0}}
confirmation_number{{vm.generateDayObj.MaxCapacity != null ? vm.generateDayObj.MaxCapacity * (vm.generateDayObj.MaxBookingPercentage == null ? 0 : vm.generateDayObj.MaxBookingPercentage) : 0 | number: 0}}
Start of day
Please comply with time format HH:MM:SS. Must be non-negative integers between 00:00:00-23:59:59.
Set max capacity
Max capacity
Must be a non-negative integer.
Allow walk ups to use unbooked visits
Walk-ups/Bookings Balance: {{vm.editTimeSlot.MaxBookingPercentage * 100 | number: 0}}%
directions_walk{{vm.editTimeSlot.MaxCapacity != null ? (vm.editTimeSlot.MaxCapacity ) * (1-vm.editTimeSlot.MaxBookingPercentage) : 0 | number: 0}}
confirmation_number{{vm.editTimeSlot.MaxCapacity != null ? vm.editTimeSlot.MaxCapacity * vm.editTimeSlot.MaxBookingPercentage : 0 | number: 0}}
Time of Day
Please comply with time format HH:MM:SS. Must be non-negative integers between 00:00:00-23:59:59.

Collect settings

Time Spots
Pick-up settings
Offer "Walk-in" pickups
Offer "Bring to Vehicle" pickups
warningAt least one pick-up option should be active
Patrons can choose one of these as delivery placement

E.g. "In the trunk", "On the passenger seat", "On the backseat"...
Promotional Choices
Offer promotions
Selectable categories
Patrons can (optionally) choose one or more of theese

E.g. "Upcoming talks", "Summer readings", "Childrens events"...
Timespot overview
Pick-up instructions

Current Occupancy

{{occupancy.CurrentOccupancy}} / {{occupancy.MaxOccupancy}}
Space for {{occupancy.AvailableSpaceDisplayed}} more
Uses space for {{occupancy.AvailableSpaceDisplayed}} bookings
{{occupancy.CurrentBookings}} bookings

Current Occupancy

{{state.selectedLocation.CurrentOccupancy}} / {{state.selectedLocation.MaxOccupancy}}
Space for {{state.selectedLocation.AvailableSpaceDisplayed}} more
Uses space for {{state.selectedLocation.AvailableSpaceDisplayed}} bookings
{{state.selectedLocation.CurrentBookings}} bookings

Visitors Stats

Visitors this week


Visitors last hour


Total visitors today


Total bookings today


Highest occupancy

{{state.locationWithHighestOccupancy.name}} ({{state.locationWithHighestOccupancy.occupancy}}%)

Lowest occupancy

{{state.locationWithLowestOccupancy.name}} ({{state.locationWithLowestOccupancy.occupancy}}%)

Location with most visitors today

{{state.locationWithMostVisitorsToday.Name}} ({{state.locationWithMostVisitorsToday.VisitorsToday}})

Location with most bookings today

{{state.locationWithMostBookingsToday.Name}} ({{state.locationWithMostBookingsToday.BookingsToday}})

Visitors Stats

Total visitors today


Total bookings today


Visitors this week


Visitors last hour

Overly Occupied
Reserved for bookings
No occupancy

Set people count

Out of max


Select customer


{{vm.dayOfWeek[0] | date : "MMM d" }} - {{vm.dayOfWeek[6] | date : "MMM d" }}

{{vm.dayOfWeek[$index] | date: "EEE, MMM d"}}
{{times.date | date: "shortTime"}}
{{::(timeslotsIndex=$parent.$index);""}} {{::(dayIndex=$index);""}} {{::timeslotObjs=vm.calender[$index][$parent.$index];""}} {{::orphanBookings=vm.orphanBookings[$index][$parent.$index];""}}
{{::(timeslotIndex=$index);""}} {{bookingsNo=vm.noOfbookings(timeslotObj);""}} {{::capacity=(timeslotObj.MaxCapacity * timeslotObj.MaxBookingPercentage);""}} {{::isBooking=capacity>0;""}} {{startPixel=(timeslotObj._startMin*vm.cellHeight);""}}
{{groupedBookingsString=vm.groupedBookings(timeslotObj.Bookings, 9);""}}
{{ids=vm.splitIds(bookingString);""}} {{bookings=vm.getBookingsFromId(ids);""}} {{clusterStartTime=vm.getClusterStartTime(bookings, timeslotObj);""}}
{{vm.dayOfWeek[dayIndex] | date: "EEE, MMM d" }}
{{timeslotObj._timeOfDay | date : 'shortTime' }} - {{vm.getNexTimeSlot(dayIndex,timeslotsIndex,timeslotIndex)._timeOfDay | date : 'shortTime' }}
{{bookingsNo}} booking{{bookingsNo > 1 ? "s" : ""}}
{{booking.NumberOfVisitors}} people at {{booking.TimeSlotTime | date: "shortTime"}}
The booking is not associated with any booking timeslot
{{timeslotObj._timeOfDay | date : 'shortTime' }} - {{vm.getNexTimeSlot(dayIndex,timeslotsIndex,timeslotIndex)._timeOfDay | date : 'shortTime' }}
{{timeslotObj.Bookings.length}} reservation{{timeslotObj.Bookings.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}}
{{booking.NumberOfVisitors}} people at {{booking.TimeSlotTime | date: "shortTime"}}
{{bookingsNo}}/{{capacity | number: 0}}
{{orphanBookingsIdsClusterString=vm.groupedBookings(orphanBookings, 20);""}}
{{ids=vm.splitIds(bookingClusterString);""}} {{bookings=vm.getOrphanBookingsFromId(ids);""}} {{clusterStartTime=vm.getClusterStartTime(bookings);""}}
A visit is booked outside of opening hours
{{booking.NumberOfVisitors}} people at {{booking.TimeSlotTime | date: "shortTime"}}
This Week{{state.getThisWeeksBookingsLength()}}
Date Time Location Patron Details Booking ID
{{booking.TimeSpotTime.toLocaleString('default', { day: 'numeric', month: 'long' })}} {{booking.TimeSpotTime.toLocaleTimeString([], {hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'})}} {{booking.Location.Name}} {{booking.PatronILSIdentifier}} comment person_add star_border {{booking.ShortBookingGUID}}
Please select a customer
No statistics is available for this customer
Please select a region or customer
No users are created for this customer. Press Create User to get started.

User Settings

Email (User Name)
{{ vm.saveUserError.message }}
Require MFA (Multifactor Authentication)
Initial Password (changed on first login)
{{ vm.saveUserError.message }}